Saturday, May 22, 2010

Healthcare Reform?

Somehow, I am confused again. There seems to be some debate about health care in the U.S. Can some one please explain what the issue here is because I don't see anything but great health care and it costs as little as $29 a month.

Lets look at the three types of health care plans.

Basic $29-$42 per month this plan includes regular visits, emergency care and diagnostic

Regular $52-$89 per month add more options for providers and plastic surgery

Premium $79-$129 per month add specialists, more options for providers and self diagnostic options

Sadly, none of these plans include dental or opthomalogy, but they are all encompassing for your family and friends. That's right, you can include as many people as you want at any given time, on to your plan. There are no hidden fees.

"How do I get in on this?" you ask.

Turn on your damn TV.

Basic gets you; General Hospital, House, Scrubs, Hawthorne, and Greys Anatomy

Regular adds; Nurse Jackie, Nip and Tuck, and Doc

Premium adds; ER, Mercy, MASH, St. Elswhere, Third Watch, Chicago Hope, Medic, The Nurses, Dr. Kildare, Becker, Marcus Welby M.D., Doogie Hauser M.D., Trapper John M.D., Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Robert Hartley Ph.D. Ask Jeeves, and WebMD.

If you can't find a practioner from this list that suits your needs, may I reccomend Dr. Quincy M.E. or Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh M.E. How much do we spend on these shows? How many calories are consumed while watching them?

I guess the real question is; If the media is really so liberal, then why do they care more about producing shows depicting excelent health care instead of doing something to expedite real health care?

Perhaps we will just have to stay tuned.......


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